Thursday, 31 January 2008


A young creative solution for children's vitamin packaging, designed to encourage kids to take their vitamins and boost their immune system. The colourful plastic containers twist to connect the images together, teaching the user about the benefits of each tablet and providing an incentive for daily consumption.  

'S.E.N.S.E' - Super Entities Notoriously Saving Earth

The Brief
A self directed project with an initial concept of the word, 'senses'

The Solution
We produced a 16 page graphic novel containing characters designed and inspired around our peers and tutors. The novel contained mystic beings with super sensitive senses. This surprise concept provided a hugely entertaining outcome for the final presentation.

'H.O.U.R' mobile gaming

The Brief 
Simply as an initial concept, '24 hours' through any medium we desired.

The Solution
H.O.U.R is an interactive mobile phone game game designed for one objective. Helping Optimize Ultimate Recreation. The user is faced with 24 separate mission briefs. Each brief lasts for strictly 1 hour. The 24 missions can be played over any duration of time and after completion the user has fulfilled the main game objective - 24 hours of ultimate recreation!

Wednesday, 30 January 2008


Aquatic Aid
A fun and novel approach to brighten up the run of the mill and conventional first aid box. This concept is one of three in a series of designs; first aid for aquatic sports, outdoor pursuits and motor first aid. This particular design incorporates a clinical and pharmaceutical aesthetic with a typographic and iconic solution to depict an aquatic theme.

Corporate Identity

Zig Zag Bridge
A live brief for a creative consultancy keen to visually express their company name and its Japanese roots. Logo design and complete stationary was produced with continual client meetings.

SJS Plastering
A Corporate logo for a young plasterer after a subtle and novel identity to reflect his youth whilst maintaining the key components of his trade.


The Brief
To repackage the dull original Town Talk Polish boxes with a more contemporary feel.

The Solution
Logan Robert Windett's previous packaging design for TTP lacked in shelf presence and merchandising appeal. It was difficult to distinguish one product type from another and the range lacked premium presence. The typography was handled with a more modern approach and we created a strong brand appeal with the introduction of photography. This highlighted the use of polish 'for every occasion' featuring on the packaging and appealing to the specific audience. The packaging was distinguishable through colour identification and labeled on the bottle and the packaging.     

JAMES DYSON 'Inside Out'

The Brief
To create brand awareness for James Dyson and produce an innovation which expands and promotes his career as a scientist and an engineer.

The Solution
We incorporated a mobile science and engineering tour to primary schools across the UK, teaching children the basic scientific concepts and principles based on the National Curriculum Key Stage 2 Science and Technology. It provided a fun, hands on experimental experience enabling children to interact with engineering  both inside and out!

MTV 'Concrete Beats'

The Brief
To create brand awareness for MTV, we were asked to create a viral innovation that invades spaces, disrupting, corrupting and mutating a chosen environment.

The Solution
We corrupted the worlds major city streets through, Concrete Beats which audaciously mutated public sidewalks, zebra crossings and round-a-bouts into a musical traffic playground! By bending a few rules of traffic and road safety awareness, this campaign aimed to ruffle a few feathers and create controversy amongst the public and the law, generating critical outcry and added media coverage. Concrete Beats was readily available to upload, share and discuss daily roadside production online as part of the viral effect and global recognition.

COMPUTER ARTS 'Think, Create & Show'

The Brief
To primarily produce the poster design and overall identity to promote the Computer Arts Graduate Showcase 2008 supplement. We were asked  to produce a visually stimulating and unorthodox approach to the student design world with an eye catching appeal. 

The Solution
We attempted to attract designers from every category through stage photography, producing a colourful array of creative components and subliminally depicting the journey of the design process. Starting at the brief through to idea generation, media experimentation, execution and publication. Our image was published in CA Magazine and distributed to all creative universities across the UK and Europe. 

Viral Movie
Alternative media was produced for the Graduate Showcase campaign. We created a stop frame animation which explores the production process of our journey. The movie is currently acting as a viral campaign on YouTube and Facebook featuring a URL address directing traffic to the CA website as a call for entries.